Officine Arfino

  • 品牌全称:Officine Arfino srl
  • 品牌产地:意大利
  • 品牌官网
  • 品牌等级:
  • 主营产品:黄铜铸件,不锈钢铸件,铝合金铸件
  • 行业应用:机械、工业、汽车、自动化

Officine Arfino品牌简介

With over 30 years of experience in the field of engineering and valves, Officine Arfino specializes in the production of turned and milled metal parts. The main characteristics of our company are: a constant concern for high quality standards and customer needs, a natural respect for the environment, and a commitment to improve constantly the production process while simultaneously striving for a steady growth that builds upon our strengths and competencies.Since our company has been steadily growing over the last decades, Officine Arfino moved its factory plant in 2008 to a new location in the industrial area of Roccapietra (Varallo). Occupying now an area of over 4500mq, our company actually more than doubled its size while simultaneously improving logistic processes and expanding production capacity. Moreover, our new production plant and our modern equipment comply with the latest energy saving and environmental protection standards.

Officine Arfino采购指引

如需采购Officine Arfino产品,请向我们提供想要采购的产品的具体型号、产品序列号、订货号或产品铭牌、照片等信息,越详细越好,并将需要采购的产品数量提供给我们。




